Kate Heath Piano lessons in London and online

Data Protection

When you provide me with your details by email or phone, I assume that you are interested in my services.

Your consent is implied when you provide me with your email address and phone number.

I will never share your details with a third party, your data belongs only to you. I will use your information only as a way of communicating with you.

If you wish to change or delete the information I hold about you, or if you have any concerns about your data, please contact me directly.

I hold personal contact information as well as information about each student’s piano education, eg progress, objectives, exam results and tracking against goals. I only hold the data needed to provide the services you engage me to provide.

What I do with it
Contact information is used for scheduling, invoicing, record keeping and communicating my own services such as recitals and holiday initiatives.
Invoices will be processed by external companies involved in my financial accounts. They are compliant with the GDPR.
Some information will be shared with examination boards if you wish to enter for exams.
No other data will be shared unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
All reasonable steps are taken to ensure your data is processed and stored securely.

If you believe your data rights or security have been breached, please contact Kateheathpiano@gmail.com immediately.

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